Over the last 2-3 months, two of our team members have had to step back from their responsibilities due to unforeseen personal issues and others faced the heavy mental toll the LMB Era took on them and our team as we were one of the bases that was targeted during that time. This has left our already small team stretched thin just a few days into ATE comeback. And with comeback promotions officially finished, the active team members are exhausted but ready to welcome new STAYS to the team so we can begin forging ahead stronger than before.
The aspects of our work that we pride ourselves on are also the very things that draw STAYs to the Stray Kids Comeback Guide website and our social media accounts looking for help or information. These same qualities have STAYs looking to our team for even more support, and we have never turned away from STAYs seeking assistance. However, while the expectations placed on our team by the fandom have continued to grow, and the influx of STAYs seeking information on all platforms has increased, the manpower needed to handle it all has dwindled.
The few team members who remained active were pushed beyond their limits during the comeback, giving everything they had to support both the team and STAYs. We have held open recruitment in the past and have even dedicated time to targeted recruitment in many attempts to maintain our work for STAYs & SKZ, but to ensure any base can provide what STAYs need, they need STAYs first.
We are so proud to have fought alongside so many amazing STAYs during ATE era we hope STAYs will help us share about our recruitment and even apply, so we can fight with you even harder in the future.